China Briefing News

Tax inspection on offices premises in Shanghai


Earlier this year, a new policy of conducting an on-sight tax inspection for any new representative office (RO) or wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE) has come into practice in Shanghai. Under this current practice, the tax inspection on the office premises will have to be conducted before tax registration can begin. Because the tax officer […]

Yingkou port set to play larger role in Northeast China’s development


Sept. 1 – Yingkou is a third-tier Chinese city located on the northeastern edge of the Bohai gulf, just a few hours drive from the regional powerhouses of Shenyang and Dalian. An otherwise fairly ordinary provincial Chinese city, Yingkou is set to capitalize on the increasing exporting power wielded by enterprises in Liaoning, Jilin and […]

Overseas bourses now allowed representative offices on mainland


Aug. 31 – As the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced earlier this year, foreign stock exchanges are now able set up representative offices to promote their organizations and conduct research on the mainland. The Measures for the Administration of Foreign Stock Exchanges’ Representative Office in China, which came into effect July 1, permits overseas bourses […]

New restrictions on processing trade come into effect


China announced a new policy restricting processing trade in an effort to reduce a growing trade surplus. As approved by the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued Announcement No. 44 introducing a new catalogue of restricted commodities on July 23. The new policy, which took effect August […]

Establishing trading companies in China and obtaining import-export licenses


The new issue of the China Briefing monthly magazine is now up and online. It is an examination of the establishment of trading companies – otherwise known as “FICEs” (Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprises) – with full details of the application procedures. The issue also explains the myriad of things that investors often forget – details […]

Source Code China – The New Global Hub of IT Outsourcing


Aug. 28 – China Briefing doesn’t usually run book reviews, but on this occasion something has come our way that we feel is well worth a read, especially for those interested in IT outsourcing. “Source Code China – The New Global Hub of IT Outsourcing,” a new book written by well known Beijing-based IT guru Cyrill […]

The almighty West and China, the fragile superpower


At last week’s China Briefing-sponsored symposium, “What China Communicates to the World,” James Fallows, international correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly, had some interesting comments on both the nature of communication, as well as some of the problems that China and the Western world – and the United States in particular – have when dealing with […]

Minimum registered capital: How much is too low?


It’s the time of year when everyone starts to filter back to China again after the summer break and also the time when new-to-China “consultants,” “lawyers” and generally enthusiastic small investors start to emerge. Having a glass of ASC’s very fine imported Beringer Shiraz at Centro last night, it amazed me to hear several comments from […]

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