China Briefing News

How much IPR can you rip off before you are branded a criminal?


China IPR issues unresolvable until valuations of pirated goods are agreed, while attempts to brand as “criminal” lower levels of infringement are being offset by the higher value of the pirated goods By Chris Devonshire-Ellis I’ve seen a lot of comment recently on the perennial issue of China IPR; however one detail seems to have […]

72 year old Buddhist monk upsets Beijing…Nothing actually changes


By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The headline of which, when presented in such a manner, betrays some of the absurdity of commentary concerning Tibet. So, we all know the Dalai Lama received a Congressional Gold Medal yesterday – even while, late at night, CNN broadcast footage of the ceremony – and much to my amazement it wasn’t […]

House of cards: the Beijing property market


By Andy Scott Just how sustainable is the property market in Beijing? Rental and sales rates have gone through the roof in the past two years and only look to go higher as the Olympics nears. Land owners have already pushed the average rental rates 10 times more than normal. Don’t expect it to last. […]

Shenzhen and Hong Kong to open sixth border crossing


The sixth border checkpoint between Hong Kong and Shenzhen has been given the go ahead according to Shenzhen party secretary Li Hongzhong. Talking one the sidelines of the Chinese Communist Party’s 17th National Congress in Beijing, Li said that both sides had reached an agreement to build the checkpoint, which connect Heung Wai in Hong […]

China’s glass ceiling


By Chris Devonshire-Ellis SHANGHAI, Oct. 16 – The more I travel to that other billion plus populated Asian country, India, the more I become convinced China has hit a glass ceiling in its development. It’s tempting after 20 years in China to become a little blasé perhaps about the country, even a little cynical, yet […]

Property tax may take effect in 2008


China is expected to levy a property tax in 10 regions on a trial basis next year; the China Securities Journal reported yesterday quoting what it said was a well-informed source. The State Administration of Taxation picked 10 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Shenzhen, Dalian, Jiangsu and Chongqing who may start paying taxes on property […]

Brits get rich in China


Britain’s Channel 4 has a series running in the UK called “Brits Get Rich in China” which details the fortunes or otherwise of three UK entrepreneurs that try their luck in the Chinese market. The series has now shown up on YouTube and is becoming the talk of the China-centric blogosphere with varied blogs from […]

Macau to host mega trade show


Macau is taking yet another page from Las Vegas and turning to the lucrative trade show circuit as yet another way of boosting profits in this money-driven metropolis. Having surpassed Las Vegas in gambling revenue last year, Macau is looking to broaden its economic base by keeping tourists in the city for longer periods of […]

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