
Showing 5 of 157 articles

Chris Devonshire-Ellis:Bribery More Likely Among Overseas Chinese Staff


Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Mar. 29 – In the aftermath of the ten-year jail sentence handed down to Rio Tinto’s Chinese staff for bribery, much has to be learnt from the pressures placed upon ethnic Chinese employees who are now nationals of other countries. In a case that has uncovered significant bribes being paid to […]

Shanghai Expo 2010: The Taiwan Pavilion


The 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai will be the first registered one in a developing country. Officially known as “Expo Shanghai 2010,” it will last 184 days and provide China an opportunity to show off its remarkable economic growth. The expo will also give foreign nations and companies a chance to further develop business partnerships […]

Bo Xilai for Chongqing?


By Chris Devonshire-Ellis BEIJING, Oct. 25 – With the world’s media and China political reporters covering the 17th National People’s Congress this past week, much has been made of the new-look Poliburo Standing Committee and its four new members. Two of them, He Guiqiang and Li Keqiang are known personally to Dezan Shira & Associates […]

China, the Olympics, and what it all means


Commentary: Andy Scott Tomorrow will mark one year until the Beijing Olympics. The games, which have been called everything from China’s great coming-out party to the genocide Olympics, will undoubtedly put the country under a media spotlight the likes of which most people living here have never seen. Officials have been scrambling to make sure […]

Vietnam passes China to become most attractive destination for FDI


Vietnam has exceeded China to become the most attractive destination for investment in production while the United Arab Emirates surpasses India to become an ideal place for investment in services, according new survey of emerging markets by Price Waterhouse Coopers. According to The Sunday Times, the index assesses 20 prominent emerging-market locations on the basis […]

Showing 5 of 157 articles
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