
Showing 8 of 157 articles

China 2012: A Year in Review by Robert A. Kapp


During this week, China Briefing is featuring a series of specially-commissioned articles from prominent China-based writers regarding their thoughts on the key developments in the country during 2012, and what lies ahead in 2013. Today’s article is written by Robert A. Kapp, president of Robert A. Kapp & Associates and former president of the U.S.-China […]

Asia Briefing Relocates from China to India


Nov. 24 – A number of Asia Briefing’s China-based staff temporarily relocated from Shanghai to Delhi recently on a 10-day assignment to develop a better understanding of the Indian market and improve communications with Dezan Shira & Associates’ India offices. Asia Briefing, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dezan Shira practice, publishes foreign […]

Macau’s Path to Economic Diversification


By Yao Lu Oct. 22 – The free flow of goods and services, money and capital has turned Macau into one of the most liberal trading regimes in the world. This free trade approach is of vital importance to the region’s economic survival as it boasts limited natural resources and a very small domestic market. […]

Nationality Row over Qualifications for China Lawyers


Jun. 5 – China’s Ministry of Justice is coming under the spotlight as are the roles of foreign lawyers in China following a case involving PRC-educated and qualified lawyer Stanley Cha, formerly of King & Wood, The Lawyer magazine has reported. Cha, who practiced Chinese law with both Llinks and King & Wood, served on […]

ChinaGlare – Has Your China Business Become Too China-Centric?


ChinaGlare (chī-nə glair): When an Asian regional business, financial opportunity or development of similar magnitude to the economic situation of China at point of WTO entry occurs, but is overlooked due to the over-focusing of an individual or business exclusively upon developments within China as an investment market.

Relax. South China Exports and Manufacturers are Doing Just Fine


Op/Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Feb. 1 – With some media spotlighting potential problems in South China – and one blog even going so far as to suggest smart Chinese businessmen are queuing up to attract orders, only to deliberately declare bankruptcy – it’s time to look again at the realities of the situation. The actual […]

China 2012: Strong Growth Forecast, No Inherent Problems


China next year – changes and trends (part one of a two-part article) Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Dec. 12 – Our firm, Dezan Shira & Associates has just finished our initial draft budgeting for 2012, and although some tweaking still needs to be carried out, the initial prognosis for the coming year seems positive. Our […]

Economist China Summit: The Debates Discussed


Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Nov. 3 – The Economist Magazine’s China Summit was held today in Beijing, a major platform for senior business executives involved in China to get together, debate and participate in the pressing issues of China’s future. Provocatively subtitled “China and the New World Disorder,” the event was attended by some 150 […]

Showing 8 of 157 articles
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