Hong Kong to Host Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series

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Aug. 27 – The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club has asked the Hong Kong government for a grant to help it host the Louis Vuitton World Series, an America’s cup standard yachting competition that is the sport’s equivalent to the Formula One.

If approved, the event will be held on November 2010 with the regatta to take place at Pier Ten in Central District which would also house the yacht village during the event. The World Series was conceived following legal disputes between the two challenging teams due to compete against each other in Dubai on February.

The world’s best yacht racing teams from New Zealand, the United States and Australia have already agreed to take part, and the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club would also field an entry. Teams from South Africa, Britain, Italy and France are expected to accept the invitations.

Hong Kong has a spectacular skyline and a rich yachting heritage. Hosting a high-profile event such as this, shuld help Hong Kong in terms of global exposure and tourism.