North China

Richard Hoffmann Explains China Foreign-Invested Partnerships


May 20 – Richard Hoffmann, senior legal associate at Dezan Shira & Associates’ Beijing office, explains in detail the regulatory and legal aspects of China’s new foreign invested partnerships and the country’s attempts to further encourage FDI in this English language interview, just aired on CCTV 9. The interview details the ability of foreign-invested enterprises […]

China’s Large SOEs Increasingly Matchmaking For Western Partners


Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis CHANGCHUN, Apr. 21 – As my regular tour of Northeast China cities continues, it is becoming apparent that the benefits to a foreign investor of participating in joint ventures with China’s large state-owned enterprises is spinning off in ways that no one had imagined a few years ago. Take the massive […]

Notice on Overseas VAT Refunds Released for Tianjin


TIANJIN, Apr. 19 – China has issued a circular concerning export value-added tax refunds for vessels transferred overseas under finance leases in Tianjin, effective April 1 and for a pilot run period of one year. Circular Caishui [2010] No. 24, jointly released on March 30 by the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration of Taxation […]

SAFE to Implement Pilot Reforms of Import Verification System


Apr. 9 – The State Administration of Foreign Exchange is implementing new pilot reforms of China’s import verification system. Circular Huifa [2010] No. 14, released on April 2, states that seven provinces and cities including Tianjin, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Fujian and Qingdao, will begin these pilot reforms of their import verification system from […]

China Industry: Apr. 9


Apr. 9 – This is a regular series of relevant industry news from around China. Wind power Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S retained the number one spot in BTM Consult’s Wind Market Update 2009 report as Chinese manufacturers sneaked into the top five. Vestas captured 12.5 percent of the global market, while […]

Dalian Little Affected by Financial Crisis


Mar. 19 – Dalian in Liaoning Province has played a key role in the revitalization of Northeast China, where its diverse mixture of heavy and light industry, and high-tech and service companies have allowed it to weather the Global Financial Crisis. In this month’s issue of China Brief, the American Chamber of Commerce in China’s […]

Beijing City Releases New Real Estate Policies


BEIJING, Feb. 25 – New real estate policies released yesterday attempts to rein in ballooning housing prices and property speculation in China’s capital city. The Implementing Opinions for Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in Beijing (Implementing Opinions), asserts adherence to a 40 percent initial housing loan payment for second […]

Hunchun: China’s Gateway to Eastern Russia and North Korea


Feb. 9 – As investment costs begin to increase in China, the need for new markets have also risen leading to interesting cities to develop as strategic  trading hubs. One such example is the Chinese city of Hunchun lying in Eastern Jilin Province, a few miles from the Russian and North Korean border. The Hunchun […]

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