North China

New Issue of Asia Briefing: An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia


In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we break down the various types of development zones available in China, India and Vietnam specifically, as well as their key characteristics and leading advantages. We then go on to provide a snapshot of the latest development zones across the rest of Asia. We hope that this issue will provide the basic fundamentals to understanding one of the most important business tools available to international businesses operating in Asia.

Beijing Details Foreigners’ Mandatory Social Insurance Participation


Following the promulgation of a national decree ordering foreign employees’ mandatory participation in China’s social insurance system, Beijing recently issued its own implementation details in a bid to strengthen the enforcement of the new policy.

Dalian Re-instates Caps on Social Insurance Contributions


On December 27 the Dalian Social Insurance Fund Management Centre released a document stating that the cap on contributions by employers to the various social insurance funds are to be re-instated and that the previous method for the calculation of bases for contributions would also be re-adopted.

Has China’s Demographic Dividend Payout Ended?


Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Nov. 23 – This is Part II of my essay concerning the discussions and findings of the annual Economist China Summit which took place in Beijing last week, bringing together the cream of China-based businessmen, academics and analysts. Part I may be viewed here and Part III here. In this discussion, […]

The Economist Annual China Summit Summarized


The Chinese Century – Promises, Pitfalls and Presumptions Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Nov. 21 – The Economist Newspaper’s annual China summit took place in Beijing last Friday, with some 300 senior executives from many of China’s MNCs in attendance, together with political and academic leaders. With this year’s theme being “Promises, Pitfalls and Presumptions,” the […]

Foreign Schoolkids Targeted By China Kidnappers


Nov. 2 – Foreign schoolchildren are the potential new targets in child kidnapping cases following an incident at one of Beijing’s luxury compounds this past weekend. On Saturday afternoon at approximately 4:30 p.m., the student was outside the side exit of the Yosemite Villa Estate and a man, unknown to her, came towards her and […]

Cap on Employer Portion of Welfare Contributions May Be Removed


The cap on the amounts paid as contributions to social welfare funds by employers on behalf of their workforce may be removed, if recent policies enacted in Dalian are to be implemented nationally.

Added Employee Costs to Hurt Dalian-Based Companies


By Adam Livermore Oct. 3 – A couple of weeks ago we reported some details of the recent announcement by the Dalian Social Insurance Bureau concerning changes to the calculation base for contributions by employers. We summarize the most important points here: The basis for calculation of the company contribution will be the total previous […]

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