North China

37,000 reservists, 30 aircraft, 4,000 rocket launchers and 7,000 anti-aircraft guns


China’s meteorological bureau guarantees good weather for Olympics BEIJING, Feb. 1 – Beijing’s Meteorological Bureau announced yesterday at a Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee meeting that they are fully prepared to take control of the most unpredictable element in sports – the weather. China is a world leader along with the Russians in what is known […]

Tianjin airport finishes Olympic Games expansion


  Dec. 26 – Tianjin airport has completed its large expansion project, including a new terminal and runway expansion, ahead of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. The new terminal building is five times larger than its predecessor with a handling capacity of 10 million passengers annually airport sources told Xinhua. The project, with […]

High-speed Shanghai-Beijing train gets green light


SHANGHAI, Oct. 10 – The central government has given the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway the green light according to a notice posted on the National Development and Reform Commission’s website Tuesday. With a speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour, the high-speed train would shorten rail travel times between Beijing and Shanghai from the current […]

Dalian High-Tech Industrial Zone shifts into high gear


By Adam Livermore  DALIAN, Oct. 8 – Standing on a windswept hill overlooking the coastline of southern Dalian and looking towards the distant port town of Lushun, it is hard to visualize how the rolling rural landscape will look after it is swamped by the planned “silicon peninsula,” at least until you turn around and […]

Investors guide to the Dalian Development Zone


By Adam Livermore DALIAN, Oct. 1 – Located further up the peninsula from the city center of Dalian, the development zone has turned into a major metropolis in its own right with a population of around 350,000. Normally it takes about 45 minutes to make the drive from the development zone to the Dalian city […]

An investors guide to Dalian


By Adam Livermore DALIAN, Sept. 26 – Dalian is a city attracting a great deal of attention right now. Particularly newsworthy is the US$2.5 billion investment by Intel in a new semiconductor plant, and the expansion of the High-Tech Zone – Dalian is set to become the Bangalore of China. Major multinationals are spearheading the […]

Should manufacturers move inland to avoid processing trade restrictions?


By Andy Scott SHANGHAI, Sept. 11 – China’s new policy restricting processing trade, which took effect nationwide August 23, will most heavily impact Guangdong province. The booming Chinese economy, which has grown at over 10 percent for the last 15 years, has been largely driven by processing trade factories located in South China and the […]

Yingkou port set to play larger role in Northeast China’s development


Sept. 1 – Yingkou is a third-tier Chinese city located on the northeastern edge of the Bohai gulf, just a few hours drive from the regional powerhouses of Shenyang and Dalian. An otherwise fairly ordinary provincial Chinese city, Yingkou is set to capitalize on the increasing exporting power wielded by enterprises in Liaoning, Jilin and […]

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