Legal & Regulatory

Seminar in Beijing Reviews 2010 China Tax Requirements


Mar. 5 – The Singapore Chamber of Commerce, the Danish Chamber of Commerce and the Israel Chamber of Commerce hosted an event on 2010 annual tax compliance and audit requirements for individuals and small and medium sized enterprises at the Westin Hotel in Beijing yesterday. Keynote speaker Sabrina Zhang of Dezan Shira and Associates presented […]

SAT Increases Deemed Profit Rates for Representative Offices in China


Mar. 4 – Representative offices are no longer exempt from corporate income tax in China according to a recently issued circular by the State Administration of Taxation. Guoshuifa [2010] No. 18, issued on February 20, 2010, explicitly stipulates that ROs shall pay corporate income tax on their taxable income, as well as sales tax and […]

New Issue of China Briefing Magazine: Operational Due Diligence in China


Mar. 2 – In this new issue of China Briefing, we take a look at operational due diligence issues and how to kick a China business’s tires. First, we delve into some of the operational, financial and HR issues that anyone investing in China should be aware of. From establishment issues to key operational functions […]

China Prenuptial Agreements and Wills Involving Foreign-owned Assets


By Richard Hoffmann and Lily Gao Mar. 1 – A sad, but inevitable question that occasionally raises its head in China is the position over wills and probate concerning the division of assets within a marriage involving a foreign national and a Chinese national, where one of the spouses dies. In such instances, a China […]

Business Licenses for Foreign-Invested Partnership Enterprises Available in March


Feb. 26 – Business licenses for Foreign-Invested Partnership Enterprises and Branches of Foreign-Invested Partnership Enterprises drafted by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce will be available for use beginning March 1. The license will include registration number, name, main site for business operations, executive partners, business scope, partners, duration of partnership, date of establishment, […]

Beijing City Releases New Real Estate Policies


BEIJING, Feb. 25 – New real estate policies released yesterday attempts to rein in ballooning housing prices and property speculation in China’s capital city. The Implementing Opinions for Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in Beijing (Implementing Opinions), asserts adherence to a 40 percent initial housing loan payment for second […]

New Regulations for Online Stores to be Released in March


BEIJING, Feb. 23 – The State Administration for Industry and Commerce is expected to release new regulations for major online stores next month that will require them to apply for a business license and pay taxes. Small online sellers,  which comprise of majority of all internet sellers, will not be required to subscribe to the […]

Revised Regulations on Audit Laws Released


Feb. 22 – China’s State Council has recently released revised implementing regulations for audit laws applicable beginning May 1, 2010. The revised rules cover responsibilities and limits of audit offices, audit procedures, and legal obligations. Specifically, it says that audit officers should avoid conflicts of interests with companies being audited, and audit authorities have the […]

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