Human Resources & Payroll

Companies in China Experience Labor Pains as Costs Increase


Op/Ed Commentary: Andy Scott Jun. 8 – The news that Foxconn and Honda agreed to raise wages in their South China factories last week is merely the beginning of a new era in the “Made in China” story. At the beginning of the 1990s, China’s dramatic shift from a closed, mainly agrarian society to an […]

Hubei Raises Minimum Wage Levels and Social Benefits


May 11 – The Hubei provincial government has raised monthly minimum wage levels, effective from May 1. The notice, which was issued April 25, adjusts the minimum wage standards to between RMB900 and RMB600 and the minimum hourly wage to between RMB9 and RMB6.5 dependent on the city. The notice also states that social security […]

Shanghai to Raise Minimum Wage Levels and Social Benefits from April 1


SHANGHAI, Mar. 31 – The Shanghai municipal government is raising monthly minimum wage levels from RMB960 to RMB1,120 effective from April 1, 2010. The Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau released a circular on March 28 adjusting the minimum wage standards in the city while also stipulating that social security fees, housing funds, […]

Guangdong Province Adjusts Minimum Wage


GUANGZHOU, Mar. 23 – The Guangdong provincial government has announced that it will adjust the minimum wage levels in the province starting May 1, 2010. All districts across the province are required to follow the new standards. Where conditions permit, the district authorities may raise the appropriate criteria but will not lower the minimum wages […]

China to Raise Minimum Wage Levels


BEIJING, Jan. 29 – Local governments will raise minimum wage levels as soon as next month from 10 to 12 percent given the recovering economy and rising inflation. Beginning next month, Jiangsu Province will increase minimum wage levels  from RMB850 to RMB960, the same level Shanghai and Hangzhou. Beijing will soon follow suit with a […]

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