China Briefing News

South China regional highlights


Guangzhou and Shenzhen Foreign trading companies registered in free trade zones (FTZs) are, in theory, allowed to expand their business scope to enjoy the rights of import/export and distribution in China now widely conducted through foreign invested commercial enterprises (outside FTZs). In practice, however, we have found that some of the FTZs are not implementing […]

China expanding oil and gas networks


Feb. 27 – China is planning to extend its oil and gas pipelines nearly 63 percent by 2010 to meet rising energy demand, according to the nation’s key pipeline builder. Around 25,000 kilometres of energy pipelines will be added according to Su Shifeng, director of the China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPPLB). China currently has 40,000 […]

China unveils bullet train between Shanghai and Hangzhou


HANGZHOU, Jan. 29 – At 7:15 p.m. on January 28, 2007, the first CRH (China Railway Highspeed) train left Hangzhou with nearly 700 passengers, arriving in Shanghai 90 minutes later. The new bullet trains, or dong he du in Chinese, use multiple engine-powered carriages alongside non-powered units in order to raise travel speeds. Theoretically, the […]

Land policy in Zhongshan


With the spreading development of foreign direct investments across China, not only big cities, but also second tiers city have become more concerned about how to make most from the limited land they have. The southern Chinese city of Zhongshan it’s an interesting example in this regard. While the Zhongshan Government has issued a wide […]

Supplimental employee heating charges hit investors in Liaoning


The northeast of China is entering the cold winter period, and at this time of year families have to pay their winter heating charge, which generally amounts to over RMB1,000 per household – a considerable amount considering the official average wage in Dalian is only RMB1,836 per month. In the past, this charge was generally paid […]

Further delegation of wholesale FICE approvals in Shanghai


SHANGHAI, Jan. 1 – On  October 1, 2006, the Shanghai Municipal Government issued a notice delegating authority for approving certain categories of Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprises (FICE) to the district level, in other words, to the level of administration below Shanghai Municipality (there are 18 districts and one county in Shanghai). According to this notice, […]

Fast track FICEs in Guangdong province


As China Briefing readers probably know by heart, since December 11, 2004, foreign investors have been allowed to engage in wholesale, retailing, agency and franchising activities in Mainland China through the so-called FICE structure (Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprise). This new legal structure opens up an unlimited range of potential business opportunities. Meanwhile, as the authorities […]

Dalian Dayaowan Port designated as a bonded port


A bonded port is an area within a conventional port in which goods can be processed and manufactured without being considered imports. Dayaowan Port, located in the Dalian Development Zone, has recently received approval from the State Council to operate as a bonded port. From an operational point of view, this designation will provide the […]

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