Economy & Trade

Hong Kong celebrates 10 years under PRC rule


Hong Kong celebrated its tenth anniversary since returning to mainland China on Sunday. As with any arbitrary anniversary, this presents a moment to look back at that was, and what has happened since. Hong Kong has come a long way since those uncertain days in 1997. SARS and the Asian financial crisis hammered the city […]

Dezan Shira & Associates now an Asian practice


BEIJING, Jul. 2 – Dezan Shira & Associates opened three offices in India today, expanding its presence in Asia to 11 offices across the region. The Indian offices are the first for the firm outside greater China. Chris Devonshire-Ellis, the founding partner of Dezan Shira & Associates, and publisher of China Briefing, today commented at a press conference at […]

Welcome to the machine


Welcome to the machine. This message is timed to self-distruct modify in five seconds continuously. We are entering a new age. The future of information in less that 5 minutes: Feng Jun at MindMeters believes blogs have brought great changes to the opinion marketplace and to the media in general, his thoughts, via Danwei’s translators:

Foreign investment funds scrambling for slice of China’s property pie


Foreign investment in China’s property market reached RMB22.2 billion in the first five months of this year (up 89.9 percent from the same period last year) according to the latest figures from the National Bureau of Statistics. As the Shanghai Daily reports: Global property funds have remained very active tapping the increased demand for properties […]

Mekong countries agree to bridge linking China to Bangkok


By Andy Scott Senior officials from several Mekong countries agreed yesterday to build a bridge across the Mekong River, linking by road, the southwest province of Yunnan, China with Bangkok, Thailand. The bridge, which, according to the Asian Development Bank, will be financed by the governments of the People’s Republic of China and Thailand, is scheduled […]

White-collar salaries rising faster in China, India than in West


Pay increases for white-collar jobs in China and India will rise substantially faster than increases in United States and Europe according to new research from Philadelphia-based HR consulting firm Hay Group. The report states that “Much like their colleagues in Europe, US employees will be seeing relatively modest increases in base salaries when compared to the emerging […]

FIEs to get tax rebate for hiring disabled Chinese workers


Foreign companies with disabled Chinese workers on their payroll will qualify for tax rebates from next year according to a recent announcement issued by the State Administration of Taxation. According to the announcement, the maximum tax rebate per disabled worker will be RMB35,000 a year. Further, disabled workers will be exempt from paying income tax […]

Shanghai and Bombay stock exchanges – different aspirations?


2point6billion has an excellent post today comparing the Shanghai and Bombay stock exchanges. With so much focus lately on the Chinese stock market – it’s up, it’s down, it’s up again – it’s nice to see an article that doesn’t mention bubbles and corrections for once. Some choice excerpts: The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) – […]

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